
Camille Saint-Saëns (1835 - 1921)

Centenary of the disappearance of the French composer

A universal knowledge, an unfailing inspirational creativity, courage in the face of personal hardships: we could list endlessly the list of unique qualities belonging to Camille Saint-Saëns and his art that make of the French composer, undoubtedly the most famous in the world, a figure that strongly challenges us to this day. The year will offer, one century after the disappearance of this icon from the Durand catalogue, a unique opportunity to rediscover a corpus that is not only limited to repertoire works, the famous Carnival des Animaux, the Violin Concerto, Samson et Dalila or the Organ Symphony.
One could not imagine better ambassadors than the Canadian musicologist Sabina Ratner, author of the composer's Thematic Catalogue of his Complete Works, and many of the greatest musicians of the contemporary scene, from François-Xavier Roth to Kent Nagano, not to mention Olivier Latry, Marc-André Hamelin and Steven Isserlis. Find them now in the exclusive publication that these authors and artists wished to develop exclusively for the Editions Durand-Salabert-Eschig, the first Act of a topicality surrounding Saint-Saëns... To be continued ! 
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